All About Deserts


   Deserts are typically empty, barren places that are characterized above all by their dryness and aridness.
The desert is a biome that takes up 5% of the planets surface. Scientist define a desert as aplace that recieves less than 10 inches of rain per year. Most deserts are not sandy. More often, the desert surface consist of stones, small rock or gravel. Many deserts are in or close to the tropics. The only exceptions are the Gobi and the Takla Makan Deserts in Central Asia. These deserts are arid because they are so far away from the ocean that they do not encounter any rain clouds.

Deserts of The World

The Gobi Desert
The Gobi, the Takla Makan, and the Turkestan Deserts in Central Asia, and the desert complex in western North America, are all cold deserts. These deserts experience moderately high temperatures in the summer, but in the winter temperatures would fall to below freezing.

The Sahara Desert
The largest desert is the Sahara. The Sahara is about the size of the United States and stretches across North America, joining the Arabian desert.

The American deserts are the Colorado and the Mojave desert, home to the Death Valley. ( One of the hottest places on Earth.) The Atacama desert in northern Chile is the driest desert in the world.
The driest place on Earth, the Atacama desert .

The Great Sandy Desert
Practically all of Australia is desert. The Australian deserts include the Great Sandy, the Gibson desert, and the Great Victoria desert. In Southern Africa there are the Namib and the Kalahari deserts.